Friday 26 April 2013

The ABCs of Death

I love horror anthologies, from Dead of Night to Trick 'r Treat to Amicus' entire output along the way!  So much so I've already done over on FilmJuice a couple of looks at them here and here, and this was prompted by the fact that the subgenre seems to be making a bit of a comeback this year.  First was V/H/S (more on that in a second) and then there was what I just got back from, The ABCs of Death.  Read on for what I made of it...

Monday 15 April 2013

Evil Dead - The Remake

The original The Evil Dead in 1983 blew audiences away by sheer unrestrained gore factor pumped up to an absurd degree at the hands of a real talent of a director showing off just what he was capable of.  In 2013, given the fact that like fare as Saw and Hostel had no trouble at all getting into multiplexes, and we're even comfortable with zombie fare that'd put Lucio Fulci to shame on the TV these days, the new Evil Dead has quite a few burdens against it.  The legacy of the series is a pretty big bar set to begin with, but one must add to that the fact it's gotten a lot harder to shock us these days.  Well, this remake certainly gets the gore level down, it's the (forgive the term) execution that's the issue.

Monday 1 April 2013

Doctor Who - The Bells of St. John (SPOILERS)

So, last night's opening episode to this demi-season was a fun little (3rd) intro to Clara and a good start to the series.  Afterwards though, I realised that this episode was based on a truly terrible pun... (SPOILERS for the end after the jump).