Wednesday 24 December 2014

Top Ten Most Looking Forward to in 2015

Time for the third and final part of my movies round up, where I look across the next twelve months and say what I'm most looking forward to seeing.  Now this was a tough one, as 2015 is definitely set to be one hell of a year for big releases, with more than one notable franchise making a comeback.  Of course, being me, I'm very interested in the smaller scale stuff as well, so this list is going to be a bit of a mix of both.  A quick shout out to the runners up; Jupiter Ascending (which was originally going to be out this year), Big Game (should it find distribution), Big Hero 6 (since it’s already out in the States) and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (mainly for John Boyega).  Let’s dive in!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Top Ten of 2014

It's that time again; you saw how I found most of my looked forward to titles turned out, now let's look at my favourite movies I saw this year.  Once again, that's my favourites, of the ones I've seen; there is a good chance this list might be different when quite a few things I missed this year finally get watched, but these are my feelings right now.  So this is sort of provisional before I catch up with Her, Boyhood, Nightcrawler, Gone GirlPride and/or The Babadook (I'm really kicking myself for missing that one).  Also, this is about favourites, I'm not saying of these are objectively the best, just the ones I got the most from.  It's been a tough one this year, because there was quite a lot of good stuff out, more than I was really ready for!

Monday 22 December 2014

2014's Most Looked Forward to Films - How did they do?

It's time once more for me to look back on the last twelve months of film, and see how did 2014 stack up overall.  Last year I did my list of the top ten films I was most looking forward to seeing, so let's see how they all did.  Just like the last time I did this, to save repeating myself I'm only going to talk about here the films that didn't make it onto my top ten of the year.