Monday 31 December 2012

Top Ten Movies I'm Looking Forward to Next Year

I've looked at 2012's most enjoyable movies for me in the last post, now let's look ahead across 2013, for what I'm looking forward to over the coming 12 months; let's dive right in...

Sunday 30 December 2012

Top Ten Movies of 2012

2012 was quite a year for movies. We've seen the culminations to more than one big franchise, the arrival of all new technology that could change the medium as we know it... again, and of course, quite a lot of really good films were shown this year. Now interestingly, for me the Summer Blockbuster period was actually pretty lacklustre this year; after opening in spectacular style (The Avengers) and ending with a big surprise (Ted, proving original ideas can still make money!), most of what came between was a big collection of "eh", "urgh?", "not living up to that title", or "yeah, it was alright, but...".
However, Spring and this Autumn did give us an impressive run of great and memorable titles, and I'm not just talking about the start and end of year Oscar bait either. So, with this in mind, here is my "completely subjective and not at all official in any way, shape or form and only made up of things I've actually seen so nobody bitch about their favourites not being on here" list of the top ten films I most enjoyed at UK cinemas this year!