Monday 28 March 2016

Just One More Thing: Dawn of Just Plain Rude! (Touching on SPOILERS again)

So last night I posted about my thoughts on Batman v Superman, but there's something else about this movie I do have to discuss, but deserves it's own little point.  The stupid gang mentality that seems to have sprung up around the debate of the film.  Yeah, I touched on this a bit on the little "housekeeping" bit last time, but it deserves a bit more analysis here.  Thing is though, it's far from just one way, it's on both sides of the debate, so I'm actually going to start with the behaviour of those against the movie, just to show even though I didn't like the movie, I don't have a horse in this race.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Batman & Superman - Sharing the Blame (MAJOR SPOILERS!!!)

Having a look at my viewcounts, one of my most successful posts on here was when I had my rant about Man of Steel, so it seems fitting I should do a proper follow-up on here, for Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice.  Before I start though, housekeeping.  Yes, I have liked most of the Marvel Cinematic Universe output so far, but no I am not an absolutely uncritical fanboy.  For example, I am troubled by some of the stuff I've heard about happening behind the scenes (Patty Jenkins fired from Thor The Dark World, losing Edgar Wright, them constantly pushing back Captain Marvel...), and I was disappointed overall with Age of Ultron (see this for a bit more on why; I've actually gone off it further since then).  I just like movies that work, regardless of who's making them, so while I may compare and contrast a bit in here, it's not strictly a Marvel vs. DC thing, it's a what worked/what didn't thing.  Also, I have a history with these characters, I grew up with the DC animated universe, I have more affection for quite a lot of DC than Marvel overall.  As such, when I make my feelings clear, don't play the fanboy card to discount my opinion.  That's all this is going to be, an opinion, so if you disagree, that's fine, you have your opinion and I have mine, you don't need to change your mind based on anything a random internet no-one says.

Sorry for the preamble, it's just given the reaction in some quarters, you do have to raise the flame shields before you start.  (And I have some words to say about this mentality on both sides of the issue for another time).  Now all that's out of the way, time for the dissection!  (Seriously, SPOILER ALERT, I am going to reveal almost everything after the jump.)