Sunday 5 July 2015

The ABCs of Death 2

So a long while ago I did a little review of portmanteau project The ABCs of Death.  Well, there's a sequel I've finally caught up on now, so why not have a look at that too.  The basic idea is the same; a group of twenty five directors are each given a small budget, a random letter from the alphabet and the mission statement of making a five minute max short based around something that starts from that letter (the twenty sixth one was an open contest; best entry got in the film).  This time they're all set out with nice little ghoulish animations with an undead teacher, very Edmund Gorey.  Let's go through them one by one, with their directors...

Terminator: Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins

So this week I went to see Terminator: Genesys at a press screening.  I've already done a more formal review of the film here, so for my basic thoughts look here (summary: IT SUCKS!!!!!).  This is more just me having a far more SPOILER filled rant discussing why I really thought it was bad, and how much damage this has done to the Terminator franchise.  I should mention for the record that this absolutely has nothing to do with me being bitter about us losing the Sarah Connor Chronicles, despite the fact IT STILL HUR- ahem, let's carry on shall we?