Monday 26 September 2016

October Horror Movie Challenge 2016 - Play along at home! #OHMC2016

Time again for me to engage in that most mysterious of internet film geek traditions*, the October Horror Movie Challenge.  31 Days, at least 31 Horror Movies, NO EXCUSES!!!  Once again, I'm doing it sponsored for Crisis, so if you can spare a few pennies, that would be most generous of you.

This year though, I thought I'd preface the challenge itself with something that can help you play along if you so wish.  Finding the right titles to watch can be a bit of a minefield, because I will be the first to admit that, with the horror genre these days, there’s a lot of crap out there.  So here’s a very quick look at a few recent releases that may have flown under your radars, which are well worth your time (and a lot of these are available to stream or are cheap on HMV's shelves right now, so no need to go digging!).  What’s more, I guarantee that none of these end with either “they were dead all along” or “it was the lead character’s split personality”!