Sunday 20 January 2019

Film 2019 - Week 3 (Monday 14th to Sunday 20th of January)

Week three of this challenge, and there are four new things to talk about; an old favourite, a fresh discovery, a shorts showcase, and a highly anticipated new release...

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Happy Birthday to Me! - Under-Appreciated Movies in my Lifetime

Yay, I'm older!  To mark this occasion, I decided to follow Moviebob's lead and present to you a list thirty three underrated films, one for every complete journey around the sun I've made so far.  DISCLAIMER: I am not saying these are necessarily the best of the years they came out in, or that they are all the same level of quality or anything like that, they're just a bunch of films that I think need a bit of a better reputation then they already have.  Some might already have a good following but are not household names yet, some may be ones that are well thought of but are/were overshadowed by something else, others may be really obscure ones that need to find an audience.  How many of these have you seen?  Agree with my choices?  Comment below!

Monday 14 January 2019

Film 2019 - Week 2 (Mon 7th - Sun 13th January)

Two weeks down, fifty to go.  Let's get down to business, starting with a special preview for a title out on general release later this month...

Monday 7 January 2019

Film 2019 - Week 1 (Tue 1st - Sun 6th January)

Welcome to the first of my weekly blogs, keeping a proper tally of how many cinema trips have I been making over the course of this year.  I'm partially doing this to give a few recommendations, partially to keep to a regular schedule of writing practice, but also I think it will do me good to have a simple project like this I can commit to for the year, give me a good sense of achievement.  So, with that idea of self improvement in mind, it seems appropriate that the first film of the year was...