Tuesday 1 November 2016

October Horror Movie Challenge 2016 – Round Up

Well, time to take out the pumpkins, mop up the blood & entrails, and perform the yearly exorcism, another Halloween has been and gone.  Which also means my yearly Horror Movie Challenge is over too, and once again it has been a success.  This year I once again improved upon the previous, by two films this time for a total of forty four movies!  It should be noted that I did see other, non-horror stuff this month too, but doing this many has made me wonder how the hell the guys that go for 100 movies do it.  Have they not friends, family, lives?  Perhaps not, but there are still only so many hours in the day, and gore movies one can take in a single sitting.  I already plan to go through some nicer, happier things from my DVD pile over the next week to get out of the mindset, like Moomins on the Riviera.  But before I do though, let’s have on here both a final call for donations to Crisis, and a post mortem of the experience.