Saturday 5 November 2022

Blogvember 5 - In Dreams Are Monsters

 Well, Halloween is over, it's 'Splodey Night tonight in the UK, guess it's time to put away scary st-hmm, what's that BFI?  A horror season lasting a quarter of the year?  Oh, you know how to treat me properly!

Friday 4 November 2022

Blogvember 4 - Trailer of the Week Returns: The Company of Wolves

Yay, we're doing this again!  I am going to start seeking out weird old trailers to talk about, and I have found a few new sources for these; there are a couple of channels uploading a whole bunch of proper scans of old film reels, so I'll be using a few of those over the course of this month.  Now for today, since we lost this year a couple of favourite actors of mine, I thought I'd include a trailer featuring the two of them together, as a sort of combined mini tribute.  So in loving memory of David Warner and Angela Lansbury, this is 1984's The Company of Wolves.

Thursday 3 November 2022

Blogvember 3 - October Horror Movie Challenge Awards 2022

So this is All Hallows, and what have you done?  Another challenge over, and a new one... to begin next September- yeah, this John Lennon tribute doesn't really work.  Anyhoo, that's another October Horror Movie Challenge wrapped up, and it's been an interesting one this year.  Whilst I have to say I didn't have a lot of luck with the random draw this time around, I did find some real gems, some potential future favourites I'll talk about in a moment.  Also, very successful year's fundraising, a total of over £436 (if we include gift aid) for Crisis, mainly down to some extremely generous donators, we salute you!  I'll leave the page open for a bit, I'll only close donations on there when it's time to sort out next year.  As for the end of this year's challenge, we still have a little more to do, partially in terms of closing things down, partially for following up on a few things.  I polished off Inhumanoids yesterday, and theres's something else I promised to watch if funding got to a certain amount, but I figured I'd save it for this month, for reasons I'll explain later.  For today, let's have the traditional round-up and awards for what I watched...

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Blogvember Post 2 - Inhumanoids

First of my bit of housekeeping after my October Horror Movie Challenge; I covered the "movie" for the challenge, so I decided to watch the other episodes for this, and give my thoughts.  Now this isn't one of the action figure based cartoons I saw as a kid, partially as it was a bit before my time, partially because, from what I could tell, it wasn't that big in the UK.  That means I don't really have a lot of nostalgia for this one, I'm not going in with anything clouding my judgment like that.   Speaking of nostalgia, for many years this DVD set was going for a stupid amount on eBay and the like, as it was out of print.  I can only assume that the recent drop in price is because more people finally watched it, and realised that, as John Nathan-Turner once said, the Memory Cheats. 

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Blogvember '22 - Post 1: What the Heck is Blogvember?

 Hey folks, so I want to keep in good creative writing habits, but I have quite done the prep time National Novel Writing Month really requires.  Therefore, I've decided to do a Blogvember, a whole month of blog posts on all manner of weirdness and wonder, get a solid word count for each day.  It's basically another attempt to make sure I stay regular on here, and to hone my skills somewhat.  So let's start with a little discussion on how I intend to do so.  As I have tried and failed to do this sort of thing in the past, down to a long suspected yet currently undiagnosed neurodivergence, I think I have learned a few things about how to stay motivated, how to stick to a goal, and how to avoid falling into certain traps, so I thought I'd start with a few tips.  I've made these mistakes, so you don't have to, all of these can be helpful in working on your own hobbies.