Tuesday 31 August 2021

October Horror Movie Challenge 2021 - Fundraising Begins!

 It's that time again.  Take us away Silver Shamrock!

Yep, we're approaching another Hallow'een season, and this will mark my tenth (TENTH!) go-through of the October Horror Movie Challenge.  As always, we have the same rules; across the 31 days of October, I have to watch at least 31 horror/monster movies, and at least half of them (so at least 16) must be films I am seeing for the first time.  Like the previous years, I will be venturing into these strange titles (and I do have some real doozies to get through this time!) raising money for Crisis, as my fear, confusion, and pain should serve a good purpose.  And like the last few years, there is a chance for you to influence my viewing choices, three titles in particular...