I'd joke about Churchill biographer Boris Johnson knowing this, but let's face it, he probably thinks Winnie won that time.
Now as the official polls open tomorrow, it looks like we're set for a Labour victory overall, with the Tories set to go from majority to well less than 100 seats. (By the way, Rishi, stop banging on about Labour having a "Supermajority", that's not a thing!). However, as those of us who remember 2016 can attest, exit polls and models can get things very wrong, now is the worst time to get complacent. That's why I am writing this now, to urge everyone in the UK reading this; if you haven't done a postal vote already, if you have the ID and everything to vote, DO VOTE! We have an incredible chance here, and not just for the Tories to be kicked out of power after a disastrous decade and a half, but also we have an opportunity for something else; we could make them an irrelevance.
Some models say there is potentially a chance that the Conservatives might not make second place, that the Liberal Democrats might pick up a few more seats than them; only about eight in total according to the most optimistic model, but that's enough. This would make them the official Opposition, not the Conservatives. That would be incredible; the previous Government not just out of power, but not even getting the runner up trophy of getting to ask six questions at the start of PMQs. The Conservatives will pretty much lose having a real voice in the House. So not only will they be out of power, we won't have to hear much from them again... well apart from ones who get columns in the Mail, Telegraph, and Sun all going "I'VE BEEN CANCELLED!!!"
Just remember that the sitting PM got a fine for attending Boris' birthday whilst we still couldn't have more than two people at an indoor gathering.
Now that isn't to say that with a Labour victory it will mean perfection will come down from the sky in a golden chariot and lead us to the Promised Land. There's a lot about them that we really need to discuss, especially recently Kier Starmer's bowing to the TERFs. Honestly Kier, you learned the wrong lesson from Gordon Brown and the Bigot (I refuse to look up her name on general principle); the best way to deal with someone like that is not to surrender to them. I can understand this point being a dealbreaker for a lot of people, I get it entirely. About the only plus point there is that Starmer strikes me as someone who can be turned around and listen to reason on the subject, whereas most of the Tories will just dig their heels in deeper about the whole thing, and keep doing so until they bury themselves up to their necks. I also know that there are many who still hold a grudge against the Lib Dems for 2010, something they have yet to properly say "Yeah, we screwed that one up!" for.
Whatever concerns one has against the main more left than the Tory parties (I won't go far as to call either entirely "Left Wing"), can we all agree that we'd rather have them in power than the guys who partied whilst we couldn't go to friends and family's funerals? The party who has increased the wealth gap to absurd sizes, and necessitated an incredible number of extra Food Banks? The party behind Brexit? (On that last point, if the Lib Dems end up the opposition, there's a good chance fixing that ends up back on the agenda). Let me put it like this, I will consider my vote to one of them being my best way to crush my greatest enemy, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their Twitter followers (who I'll then block). Once they Tories are out of power, us and Labour are going to have a lot of words.
They've also gone after David Tennant. Not a good move, he's taken out two PMs already...
So please, I beseech you, take this as seriously as possible. Use tactical voting sites where you can to make the most informed decision. Don't act like it's a done deal yet, do not get complacent, do not let a golden opportunity slip away from us, and VOTE tomorrow.
Oh, and Kier, if you do win and somehow you're reading this, two things for day one in No. 10. One, uncensor the Russian Report and get prosecuting, and two, drop the anti-Trans stuff and tell JK Rowling to go f*** herself!
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