Thursday 26 April 2018

Avengers Infinity War: THE SPOILER ZONE

You are entering another dimension.  A dimension of truths before their time.  A dimension that violates causality if you enter enter unprepared.  You are about to enter... the Spoiler Zone!

So I'm going to do a little public service.  Here, in the comments on this post, we can talk about Avengers Infinity War, without giving the game away to the rest of our social media.  Although, as I said, this is very much about Spoiler details.  If you haven't seen it yet, and you don't this one ruined (trust me, you really don't!), leave now.  I'll put a few videos in here, just to make sure you don't catch a glimpse of anything, and then, we are seriously in give-everything-away territory.

So to get this started, let me put it like this.  At the end of the film, I saw on the horizon gigantic shapes; vast mounts that blotted out the sun, like an eclipse, overshadowing the whole landscape.  That wasn't something in the movie though.  That was me seeing the sheer size of Marvel Studios' balls for ending this one with the mother of all cliffhangers!  I was of course already familiar with the story from the comic, but I genuinely was amazed they went with that key moment in the film.  I know it's all to lead to next year's sequel, but I do have to wonder a bit for how the kids are going to take this.  It's pretty damn bleak, with only the vaguest hint that there's some sort of hope for salvation.  I think there's going to be a lot of awkward bedtime discussions to be had the next few nights...

I'll leave it as that for the moment, as I'm interested to hear everyone else's thoughts in the comments.   What do you think is going on with Hulk?  Did Valkyrie and Korg make it out of the Asgardian ship OK?  How do you think Ant-Man and the Wasp will take care of this?

1 comment:

Paul Morris said...

I was a bit worried at the start. The thing I hoped they wouldn't do (based on the trailers) was kill off all the surviving Asgardians just for shock value, as that would essentially make watching Thor Ragnarok a complete waste of time (I have a real problem with films that needlessly undermine their predecessors, such as the wretched Alien3). As first I thought they'd gone there and I was dismayed, but later in the film Thor states that Thanos killed "half" of his people (as per his usual tactic). Bearing in mind that the ship later exploded, they other half of its occupants must have escaped, otherwise he would have said *all" of his people. Presumably this happened prior to the start of the film - I wonder if they shot it and cut it for time, or just as cheating way to make the opening more bleak? Either way, and to answer your question, I'm assuming Valkyrie escaped with the remaining Asgardians, and hopefully Korg too. We'll either find out in Avengers 4 or Thor 4... :)