Monday 28 March 2016

Just One More Thing: Dawn of Just Plain Rude! (Touching on SPOILERS again)

So last night I posted about my thoughts on Batman v Superman, but there's something else about this movie I do have to discuss, but deserves it's own little point.  The stupid gang mentality that seems to have sprung up around the debate of the film.  Yeah, I touched on this a bit on the little "housekeeping" bit last time, but it deserves a bit more analysis here.  Thing is though, it's far from just one way, it's on both sides of the debate, so I'm actually going to start with the behaviour of those against the movie, just to show even though I didn't like the movie, I don't have a horse in this race.

Now I've done my own joking about how I felt about the film, but there have been things done by some that have been needlessly personal.  In particular, the whole "Sad Affleck" thing.  Now this was a major faux pas on the point of the original interviewer; reviews and such are something you don't bring up straight away.  You do not have the cast and such there for an interview, and just go "by the way, everyone's saying what you did was shit!"  That's not professional.  Add to that making it a meme; everyone is interpreting the look on Ben Affleck face to be a "my God, what have I done?" moment, but surely it can also be a reaction of "really, you bought that up?  Right, fuck your chances of talking to me again in future!".  It's a brief look taken out of proper context, don't use that to justify anything!  Leave Affleck alone, he was one of the best things about it!

Also in terms of unprofessional behaviour, I've been notice quite a few critics, including ones I like most of the time, sharing unmarked spoilers around on social media.  In fact, there are a few plot points that some sites started sharing as memes by Friday evening.  Now, like or dislike the film, share your opinions if you like, but spoilers are spoilers.  People have already booked, they are going to see the film no matter what you say, no need to blow it for them.  I included spoilers in my review, but under a nice big warning to say that they are there, giving people a chance to avoid them.  Don't make your Twitter user name a reference to a plot point for everyone to see.  At the bare minimum, wait until after the opening week.  In general to all critics of the film, you are not on some great holy cause to protect everyone's eyes from seeing it, don't be dick about this!

Right, so now to the other side of the debate.  Hoo boy, the other side. Some of my friends enjoyed the film, liking that they got to see a whole bunch of DC stuff on screen for a start.  Well good for them for having a good time, that's nice, I'm not going to be like "well you were WRONG to do so!".  What I'm about to say isn't at them, or at every single person who liked the film.  This is about the ones throwing a massive temper tantrum over anyone not agreeing with their side.

Let's get it out the way; FILM CRITICS ARE NOT YOUR ENEMIES OR MEANT TO BE YOUR ADVOCATES.  Criticism isn't really about assessment, this isn't an absolute test. It's simply an experienced opinion, it can only really advise you about a film, you have to make your own.  What critiques are best for is for looking for reasons why some films stand the test of time, why one title endures over another.  So as such, don't have one of the biggest pissing and moaning sessions in the history of pissing and moaning over what critics say.

One particular thing I've seen is using a screenshot of that jar of wee from the film to call out critics, saying "have a drink on us".  Firstly, that's really the part of the film you are going to use as your rallying cry, the jar of wee?  Second, that really is childish and churlish; we are not at war with you, you just escalated the matter.  We are not trying to invalidate your opinions, we are not here to step in line and march with you either.  Christ, this happened with The Dark Knight Rises too, with people jumping down critics throats for their scores before even having a chance to see it themselves.  Just see it yourself if you're going to and make up your own mind properly, no-one will be taking anything away from you if they disagree.

I have also seen a bit of "No True Scotsman"ing happening to try and discount these dissenting opinions, saying stuff like "oh, well really it's for the fans".  Well, that's definitely not true because it was just for fans, they would not have spent over $400m on the thing!  Also, quite a lot of these critics do know comics, and still didn't like it (to which quite a few will follow that up with "oh, well they're obviously just Marvel guys").  There are quite a few comics writers, who have worked with these characters before no less, who have very critical things to say about this too.   As I said before, it's not about fan or not, it's about how you enjoyed this particular story.  Also, you can be a fan about a character, and still have a very warped view of them.

Final point; yes I know how well the box office is doing, over $400m in the opening weekend.  That does not really prove anything either way, a tonne of people booked before the reviews even came out (I did), this has been a marketing juggernaut, with trailers coming out for a solid year.  The question is really going to be how is it going to do after this, now the word of mouth is spreading, and the absolute die hards have already been to see it.  Well, we'll have to see, but bear in mind, it ideally has to go over a billion for Warner Bros. to be happy, and it has to get at bare minimum $800m just to be in the black; that's not that good a return on investment.  Besides, the test of a film isn't the money, it's whether we still even talk about it in years to come, so those calling out the critics, it's way too early to do that, try again in a couple of years.

I guess the real point behind all this is both sides need to calm down; a blockbuster is not the sort of thing we have to be at each others throats about.  When discussing the merits of the film, that's what we should be doing, discussing, not poo-flinging.  We need to stop thinking of it all in terms of sides, that includes the old Marvel v. DC thing; just because someone didn't like this doesn't mean they are pro-Marvel in everything.  Look at my review, I did point out that there were things I liked in there, and I'm still interested in DC's future projects including Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman.  I think everyone just needs to do what we should always do, and follow the Dude for guidance.

Jees, this whole thing has gotten so bad, I'm agreeing with Rob Liefeld about stuff.  How did that happen?

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