Wednesday 6 July 2011

London Film and Comic Con Survival Guide

For all my peeps attending LFCC for the first time this year, a few friendly pointers...

  • Bring Plenty of Cash - At Earls Court, there is only a pair of cash machines out the back, and they run out pretty quickly.  The nearest alternatives are right back at Earl's Court Road, so if you want to be sure of nabbing all you can from the dealers tables (since it's a crap-shoot on which ones have Chip and Pin, and whether it decides to work on the day...), stock up before hand.
  • Have a Big Breakfast - The eateries within the hall itself have prices that are... exorbitant (surprised that actually is a word!).  A cheaper alternative often turns out to be CyberCandy, and while I do like my fudge covered pretzels, I don't want them to be my sole source of nourishment on the day.  As such, I advice a big, protein-packed breakfast to start the day with (any excuse for a Full English!), and have in mind a suitable location for dinner straight after (such as The Mad Hatter on Stamford Street!)  (Shameless!)!
  • Have a book handy - Chances are, unless you've always got a dealer's pass, you are going to be queueing a lot, both to get in, and for however many autographs you're after (and looking at the guest list this year, chances are it'll be plenty!).  As such, if you're not sticking very much in a posse of friends, or your just a whizz at winning over people and starting conversations, have something to read, or a DS or something, or the day is going to feel a lot longer than it is!  That being said...
  • Don't be afraid to mingle! - Remember, at this show, we're all friends, all geeks united!  Be sure to try talking to new people every so often, especially in lines for your various favourite celebs there; you never know when you'll make a connection (especially around the table for The League of the Non-Aligned!)  (Ok, I'll stop that now...).  Sure there can be the odd more creepy geek there (and I've seen some really scary geeks at these things!), but you should be able to see the warning signs (or in many a case smell them; more on this in a second...) for them, and most of the time you'll find someone happy for a chat; it's a long weekend with little to do!
  • Hygiene: Don't Neglect it! - Even if you are there the full three days, please bear in mind it can get pretty warm in Earls Court in the summer.  Yes, I know it can be a full schedule, but at the very least changing your T-Shirt each day will endear you a bit better to those who have to stand in line with you.  I know for most this seems straight forward, but you'd be surprised and a bit disgusted how many don't at these things (or on general principle it seems)...
  • Complement the celebs - You've paid that much to meet them and get proof of the experience, don't be afraid to also shake them by the hand (assuming you've followed the above guideline...) and tell them what they're stuff means to you; sometimes that can make the whole thing worth while for them.  That being said, there are limits to this; screen what to say to them carefully first to avoid sounding too creepily fanboyish, and for God's sake, don't be like the guy who, on meeting one Dr. Who actress, asked first thing "Do you sunbathe naked" (I shit you not, that happened once!)!
  • Have Fun! - It's a weekend-long celebration of everything geek; how can you not!
  • (Ok, one more shameless plug for a friend of mine...) Why not pick up some handmade Dr. Who artwork!)
  • UPDATE: One I really should have included earlier... Please don't perv over the cosplayers - Just... don't.

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