Tuesday 29 October 2019

#Blogtober 29 - Halloween Bloggery - Dr. Terror's Vault of Horrors

Remember the BBC's own horror host?  On Halloween night 1992, the same night that the legendary Ghostwatch aired, there was a horror night on BBC2.  It was hosted by Dr. Walpurgis, a character played by Guy Henry (who after being buried in make up for this role, would be buried in CGI for playing Tarkin in Rogue One), with dialogue written by horror author and film critic Kim Newman.  He was such a hit that, after being rebranded Dr. Terror, there would be several horror showings on BBC One hosted by him, across 1993 to 1996.  Recently, thanks to various bloggers, such as VHiStory, many of these have been put up on YouTube, including over an hour of the interview segments from the 1992 Halloween night, so I thought I'd share a bunch of ones I could find on here.  I've also arranged a YouTube playlist to have them in order.  Ah, we need more wisecracking demons to spice up film screenings.  Enjoy!

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