Wednesday 21 August 2024

October Horror Movie Challenge 2024

Cue the song!

Time once more for the thing from the depths of the old IMDb message boards that just refuses to die, like some Jason Voorhees knock-off, The October Horror Movie Challenge.  The rules as always are very simple; across the 31 days of October, watch at least 31 horror movies, and of those at least half, so 16 or more, must be ones you are watching for the first time.  Well, I have a huge stack of titles to see, almost all of which will be first time viewings.  I’ve got a bunch of older classics, some Euro horror rarities, a big stack of video nasties, and more to go through in a semi-randomised order.  

Also, as you can see, I''ll be watching these with some new friends.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

The Morlocks Will Be Right! - Don't Mess This Up

So as I post this, it's Election Eve.  The long awaited General Election that we have pretty much been clamouring for since the height of Partygate will finally occur tomorrow.  It's an auspicious time to do so, as the last GE to happen in July was 1945, the legendary post WWII wipe out for the Conservatives under Winston Churchill.  We pretty much owe the existence of the NHS and a tonne more social policies to that result.  So yeah, perhaps not the best thing to remind us all of when you chose that date, Rishi.

The Daily Herald headline "Labor in Power"
I'd joke about Churchill biographer Boris Johnson knowing this, but let's face it, he probably thinks Winnie won that time.